Welcome to Cumberland School Department Athletic Registration Page

Registrations for Spring Athletics at Cumberland High School are CLOSED

Registrations for McCourt Middle School and North Cumberland Middle School will close on March 19th.


Please read the information below and then click the appropriate link below to register for an activity.

Spring Start Dates
High School 
Pitchers/Catchers - Monday March 10th
Full squads for all programs report - Monday March 17th
Middle School
Pitchers/Catchers - Monday March 17th
Full squads for all programs report - Monday March 24th
          1) All Parents/Guardians must complete the registration and concussion form through the link above with their student-athlete each season in order to participate in Athletics.
          2) First time participants must return a notarized risk form to the Athletic Director or Coach one week prior to the first day of tryouts.
                 ​​​3) All Student -Athletes must bring (or email) a copy of a valid Physical Exam to the appropriate school nurses office.
(Valid physical must be within the last 15 months)
rachel.emery@cumberlandschools.org (North Cumberland Nurse)

All student-athletes must bring notarized assumption of risk form to Athletic Director's Office (or mailbox in main office)


CLICK HERE FOR CALENDAR AND INFO: Cumberland Athletics Sports Info

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Martin Crowley- Director of Athletics - Cumberland School Department
Phone: 401-658-2600 x343